How Much Should You Be Paying for Car Insurance?

When it comes to car insurance, you want to pay the least amount possible. However, the last thing you want is to have cheap car insurance in the event you are in an accident. The good news is that inexpensive car insurance doesn’t have to mean cheap car insurance, if you know how to shop.

No Fault State

Pennsylvania is a no-fault state when it comes to car accidents. This means that insurance companies have to compensate their drivers no matter if they caused the accident or not. In order to determine the level of protection you have, you need to look at Website Design Made Easy – the personal injury provision in the insurance policy you are considering buying. It gets a little tricky to determine payment amounts, however, a general rule of thumb is that the minimum coverage you want should be approximately double what the state minimum calls for. For example, if the state minimum is $15,000 per person per accident, then the lowest personal injury protection payment should be $30,000.

The other key to this particular provision is your ability to be sued. In a traditional policy, at-fault drivers can be sued and find themselves in a heap of financial trouble. However, if you have a no-fault policy, you aren’t likely to be hauled into court.

Coverage items

The cost of your car insurance policy is going to be directly related to the things that are covered. The more scenarios you cover, the higher your premium. The same holds true with coverage levels. The higher the payout the company is on the hook for, the higher your premiums will be. Some of the more common coverage options you may see will include: medical payments for you, damage to your car, payment to others who experience injuries or physical damage to their property as a result of being in an accident with you, coverage for medical expenses for passengers in your car, fire, vandalism or theft of your car, coverage for accidents with motorists who don’t have insurance coverage and rental car coverage. Liability coverage provides monetary payment to those who are injured or have physical damage to their car or other property as a result of being in an accident with you and is considered a non-negotiable in terms of the financial responsibility law in Pennsylvania. The level of coverage, however is. The other coverages are all optional, so determining what level of financial risk you are willing to accept versus how much you can afford to pay in monthly insurance premiums will determine what you will select.


Credit rating

Your credit rating matters when it comes to pricing your insurance policy. This is because your policy is priced based on risk and one of the risks the company takes on when they offer you coverage is whether or not they are going to get paid. Your credit score also indicates how likely you might be to participate in insurance fraud for financial gain. The lower the risk you represent financially, the less you will pay for your insurance.

Don’t go for the cheapest car insurance in pa

While you might think that getting the cheapest policy makes good financial sense, the truth is that buying the best coverage you can afford goes a long way to helping you protect your financial well-being. Not sure about how much coverage you should have? Talk to a knowledgeable insurance agent today!

For the cheapest car insurance in pa, you don’t have to skimp on coverage. Visit Carlisle Insurance today and get better coverage for less.